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For Criminal Justice Lawyers,Smedico legal has seen a trend towards the production of medical chronologies to support defendants within the criminal justice system. An example of this would be where the existence of a 'head injury' has been argued to have precipitated a behavioural change and suggested to have been the root cause of a crime. In this case Medical, Educational and Social case records are best sourced and chronologies clarify any defence. We can tailor our work to suit your requirements. If you source the records; we will present them in a manageable form.
For Private Lawyers, Smedico Legal has seen an increase in chronologies commissioned to detail "medical care needed" in cases where only "social care" is being funded. Our case handlers have the experience to distinguish between the two and be able to present a chronology and commentary which reflects the true extent of all care needed.
We understand the mandatory requirement for factual and accurate chronologies and commentaries which inform a variety of professionals. We always aim to clarify the most complex of cases. For example in "fabricated induced illness" cases we believe our are powerful tools in creating an accurate impression at a simple glance.
For all Lawyers Smedico Legal understands that when medical notes arrive in your office they are presented in a format that is by no means comprehensible. Significant events are often swamped in detail and records frequently lacking order. Even electronic records are difficult to navigate and past entries are often found in the unlikeliness of places. Replacement of paper records by electronic formats in the UK is still in it's infancy and unfortunately not a perfect science. Solicitors are having to deal with the possibility that missing records may well have been disclosed but have been inadvertently hidden in the detail.
At Smedico Legal we can turn that chaos into order by sorting, paginating and indexing. We will build a comprehensive chronology and accompany it with a thorough commentary. Our case managers, as registered nurses, have had firsthand experience of navigating paper and electronic medical records. We know where to look.
Within 10 - 21 days you will have returned to you indexed and paginated records, a list of missing notes, a chronology of significant events and a commentary detailing the medical progression. We will give you suggested questions for expert witnesses and identify any areas for further investigation. At Smedico Legal the work will be tailored to the specifications outlined in your letter of instruction and we know you will like what you receive back.
For Family Lawyers, Smedico legal has experience of all forms of child and adult protection work. Our paediatric and adult case handlers are astutely aware of your requirements.
Important declaration:
Confidentiality and data protection demanded by the Data Protection Act 1998 lies at the foundation of any information Smedico Legal handle or produce. Files are encrypted and couriered. Records are destroyed according to client specifications. We are registered with the Information Commissioner's Office.