​"If you would like to see anonymised examples of our work please complete the contact details on the contact page and we will facilitate this."

A "Safeguarding Helicopter View©" is an especially powerful tool enabling the very best comprehension of the commitment that is about to be made.

We believe we can present information in a way that can be understood by all. By sharing it you can exhibit a higher degree of due diligence and minimise the potential for a failed placement on medical grounds.

At Smedico Legal we believe the production of lifetime chronologies, commentaries and a helicopter view can be invaluable when placing a child who has complex needs.

​Prospective foster or adoptive parents can get a complete medical picture of the type of ongoing care the child will need and you can ensure all the support required is facilitated before placement.

Important declaration:

Confidentiality and data protection demanded by the Data Protection Act 1998 lies at the foundation of any information Smedico Legal handle or produce. Files are encrypted and couriered. Records are destroyed according to client specifications. We are registered with the Information Commissioner's Office.

Copyright ©  Smedico Legal: Safeguarding Medico Legal. All rights reserved.