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Confidentiality and data protection demanded by the Data Protection Act 1998 lies at the foundation of any information Smedico Legal handle or produce. Files are encrypted and couriered. Records are destroyed according to client specifications. We are registered with the Information Commissioner's Office.
Chronologies are invaluable as tools for identifying "lessons learned". Retrospective analysis in a multidisciplinary meeting can identify possible threshold points and moments of crisis. From an investigation perspective it is useful and usual for you to develop the "Analysis and Recommendations" document yourselves. We just provide the chronology and commentary.
Comparing the Medical Chronology and the Social Care Chronology is a useful exercise to retrospectively gauge "significant event activity" in terms of "perceived need" and "support given". In addition the two chronologies can be plotted on the same "Safeguarding Helicopter View" to consolidate the overall picture.
At Smedico Legal we appreciate that a chronology is arguably the only way to make sure all past and present events have been duly noted in a Serious Case Review. A summary medical report does not ensure this as realistically and reasonably, medical professionals will not have the time to look through all the notes. It is likely that only the most obvious correspondence and clinical records will have only been focused on.
Copyright © Smedico Legal: Safeguarding Medico Legal. All rights reserved.
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